Here you will find information on the things in Book 2 of the Enya Chronicles: Cheyenne Dawn, which includes flora, fauna, tangible and intangible constructs and important technological and societal concepts.

For information on the people (both primary and secondary) in Book 2 of the Enya Chronicles: Cheyenne Dawn, please see the page entitled “People.”

For information on the places in Book 2 of the Enya Chronicles: Cheyenne Dawn, which includes geographical features (rivers, lakes, mountains, etc.) and locations (cities, manmade structures, etc.), please see the page entitled “Places.”

Administrative Zone. Geographical, semi-political subdivisions of Earth under the auspices of the United Nations: the African Administrative Zone (AfAZ) includes all land mass south of the Suez Canal; the North American Administrative Zone (NAmAZ) includes all land mass north of the Panama Canal; the South American Administrative Zone (SAmZ) includes all land mass south of the Panama Canal; the  European Administrative Zone (EAZ) includes all land mass west of longitude 29 degrees East on the continent previously known as Europe; the Asian Administrative Zone (AAZ) includes all land mass east of longitude 29 degrees East on the continent previously known as Asia including the continent previously known as Australia; the Oceanic Administrative Zone (OAZ) includes all Earth islands, regardless of location.

AfAZ. See African Administrative Zone.

African Administrative Zone. See Administrative Zone.

Alabaster Range. A mountain range on Gaia extending from the Crystal Nexus east to the Great Enyan Ocean North.

Avalons, The. A mountain range on Gaia extending from the Crystal Nexus south to the Great Enyan Ocean South.

Barrier Reach. A 400-kilometer-wide channel separating the island of Elba from Land’s End; an area of rapid currents, strong undertows and dangerous marine life.

Brandywine River. A wide, placid river in Xanadu Quadrant that originates in The Spaghetti Factory and empties into Impact Harbor.

Brittola. Eighth planet of Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 19.6AU with a diameter of 48,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Calamity Sea. The waters surrounding the island of Elba, including the Barrier Reach; it is teeming with Grim Reapers and Enyan Sharks.

Crossovers, The. Generic name for the east-to-west mountain belt on Gaia centered on the Crystal Nexus; it consists of The Smokies (western mountain range) and the Alabaster Range (eastern mountain range).

Crystal Highlands. Generic name for the four mountain chains on Gaia which extend north, south, east, and west; composed of the Tejas Range (extending north from the Crystal Nexus), the Alabaster Range (extending east from the Crystal Nexus), The Smokies (extending west from the Crystal Nexus) and The Avalons (extending south from the Crystal Nexus).

Crystal Nexus. The 10,000-meter high intersection of The Smokies, the Tejas Range, The Avalons and the Alabaster Range; location of an ancient caldera and the Tears of Enya.

Durda Deep, The. A 22,000 km2 geological feature similar to Earth’s Grand Canyon located at the eastern terminus of the Alabaster Range.

East Farthing. The southeast quadrant of Gaia bordered on the north by the Alabaster Range, on the west by The Avalons and on the east by the Great Enyan Ocean North and the Great Enyan Ocean South; composed primarily of triple-canopy jungle in the north (Black Death Ground), old-growth forest in the middle (The Elderwoods) and a Serengeti-like area in the south (The New Serengeti).

Elba. A large, approximately 171,000 kilometer2 (66,110 mile2) island south of East Farthing Quadrant separated from Land’s End by the Barrier Reach; comprised of thick evergreen forests, undulating plains and numerous spring-fed lakes with a medium-sized mountain range on the north end of the island; surrounded by the Calamity Sea; those who have committed capital crimes are given small tools and a six-month supply of food and banished to Elba.

Enya. Third planet of 12 planets orbiting the star Intipa Awachan (originally named HP 56948) in the constellation Draco, approximately 200 light years from Earth; it is an Earth twin discovered by Snyder Enterprises’ Exoplanet Survey Team; destination for the first interstellar colony ship; named after Daniel Woodhouse Snyder’s deceased wife.

Eryk. Smallest of the three moons orbiting Enya; named after Daniel Woodhouse Snyder and Enya Laertes Snyder’s youngest daughter, Eryk Snyder.

Eryn. A moon of Enya smaller than Eveyan but larger than Eryk; named after Daniel Woodhouse Snyder and Enya Laertes Snyder’s middle daughter, Eryn Snyder Martin.


Evyan. Largest of the three moons orbiting Enya; it has a ring like the rings of Saturn; named after Daniel Woodhouse and Enya Laertes Snyder’s eldest daughter, Evyan Snyder.

Gaia. The largest continent on Enya comprising over 96 million square kilometers (about the size of Earth’s continents of Asia, Africa and North America combined); covers approximately 80 percent of one hemisphere; location of the first landing on Enya by colonists in the ship Gossamer Wings.

Gateway. Headquarters of ECC; located on the former site of the Laughlin Air Force Base, eight kilometers east of the mostly abandoned city of Del Rio in the area of the North America Administrative Zone that contained the now-extinct United States of America and specifically in the political subdivision once called Texas.

Gnocchi Branch. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of the Smokes and just west of The Avalons.

Gossamer Greens. A 10km by 10km park in Starlight centered on the landing spot of the first Gossamer Wings shuttle to land on Enya; when completed will contain a reflecting pool with an Eternal Flame, the Wall of Memories and the Wall of Honor; designed by Anniston Stanton.

Great Enyan Ocean. The major, planet-wide ocean on Enya; divided into a Great Enyan Ocean North and a Great Enyan Ocean South by the equator; colloquial usage calls the ocean to the west of Gaia above the equator the Great Northwestern Ocean and the ocean to the west of Gaia below the equator the Great Southwestern Ocean while the ocean to the east of Gaia above the equator is the Great Northeastern Ocean and the ocean to the east of Gaia below the equator is the Great Southeastern Ocean.

Great Northeastern Ocean. Colloquial name for the Great Enya Ocean that is east of Gaia and north of the equator.

Great Northwestern Ocean. Colloquial name for the Great Enya Ocean that is west of Gaia and north of the equator.

Great Southeastern Ocean. Colloquial name for the Great Enya Ocean that is east of Gaia and south of the equator.

Great Southwestern Ocean. Colloquial name for the Great Enya Ocean that is west of Gaia and south of the equator.

Gregoria. Fourth planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 1.6AU with a diameter of 18,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Hill Country. Area with gently rolling hills in the Xanadu Quadrant north of the Elvira River and west of The Avalons, extending northward from the Sherwood Forest to the foothills of The Smokies and includes The Silver Woods.

Impact Harbor. The name given to the 400-kilometer diameter asteroid-strike harbor approximately 600 kilometers north of the equator in Xanadu Quadrant at the mouth of the Brandywine River.

Infotainment Center. A room in an Enyan house containing comfortable seats, a high-capacity holographic projector and a beverage bar to provide a focal point for information and entertainment; every Infotainment Center is connected to the E-pedia and is networked with every other Infotainment Center through RelSats.

Intipa Awachan. A G5V-class star in the constellation Draco approximately 200 light years from Earth with 12 planets.

Land’s End. A peninsula located on the southeastern coast of East Farthing Quadrant; separated from the island Elba by the 400-kilometer wide Barrier Reach.

Lasagna Run. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of The Smokes and just west of The Avalons.

Laughlin Air Force Base. Deserted military airfield eight kilometers east of the city Del Rio in an area of the North America Administrative Zone that contained the now-extinct United States of America and specifically in the political subdivision once called Texas; site of Gateway.

Leeward Islands. Group of four islands off the coast of East Farthing Quadrant in the Great Southeastern Ocean north of Elba; the largest and southernmost island is Treasure Island; the remaining islands, from south to north, are Doubloon Island, Pieces of Eight and Six-bits Island.

Linguine Beck A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of The Smokies and just west of The Avalons.

Looking Glass Lake. Second largest lake on Gaia, approximately 150,000 km2; located in Xanadu Quadrant; fed by the seven tributaries of The Spaghetti Factory; the lake’s outflow on its southwest end creates Reflection River.

Macaroni Brook. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of The Smokies and just west of The Avalons.

Martha. The sixth planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 5.2AU with a diameter of 48,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

NAmAZ. See Administrative Zones.

North American Administrative Zone (NAmAZ). See Administrative Zones.

Northwest Territory. Northwest quadrant of Gaia; bordered on the east by the Tejas Range, on the south by The Smokies and on the north and west by the Great Northwestern Ocean.

Ommadawn Archipelago. Collection of seven small islands west of Impact Harbor in the Great Enyan Ocean North; separated from Gaia by the Orinoco Flow; islands in the archipelago include: Coriolis Caye (the largest) south of Moonraker Island and east of T’gallant Isle, Moonraker Island (northernmost island), Equator Island (southernmost island, bisected by the equator), T’gallant Isle (west of Coriolis Caye), Piquoet Rock (west of Tops’l Mount and south of T’gallant Isle), Tops’l Mount (south of Coriolis Caye and north of Equator Island) and Spinnaker Bank (east of Tops’l Mount).

Orzo Burn. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of The Smokies and just west of The Avalons.

Our Lady of the Lake Hospital. A teaching hospital located in the NAmAZ where Dr. LoriLyn Carpenter served her residency under Dr. Julian Hardesty.

Outback Quadrant. Northeast quadrant of Gaia; bordered on the west by the Tejas Range, on the south by the Alabaster Range and on the north and east by the Great Northeastern Ocean; its rugged features contain the richest mineral deposits on Enya.

Palladia. The 12th planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 200AU with a diameter of 3,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Panama City. A tropical city approximately 1,000 kilometers north of the equator on the Atlantic Ocean side of the Panama Canal ( the dividing line between the NAmAZ and the SAmAZ).

Pinnosa. The fifth planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 2.8AU with a diameter of 30,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Rabacia. The 10th planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 77.2AU with a diameter of 18,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Rivo Ziti. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of the Smokes and just west of The Avalons.

Satellite Control Center (SCC). The control center for RelSats and SolSats; located in Starlight; monitors, controls and performs software maintenance on the RelSats and SolSats in orbit around Enya; schedules hands-on maintenance actions and repairs; normally staffed by one individual on an four-section, six-and-a-half-hour shift; was manned on an eight and 6/10 hour, three-section watch during The Sickness.

Saturia. The 11th planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 154.0AU with a diameter of 6,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Saula. The seventh planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 10.0AU with a diameter of 78,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

SCC. See Satellite Control Center.

Sencia. The second planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 0.7AU with a diameter of 3,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Sherwood Forest. The name given to the vast forest located in the southern part of the Xanadu Quadrant bordered by the Great Enya Ocean South on its south and west sides, The Avalons on the east and on the north side segues into The Silver Woods south of Looking Glass Lake.

Smokies, The. A mountain range on Gaia that begins at the Crystal Nexus and extends westward to the coast of the Great Northwestern Ocean.

Spaghetti Factory, The. An area just south of The Smokies and west of The Avalons in Xanadu Quadrant containing seven small streams or creeks that are the headwaters of the Brandywine River; Survey Team 23 proposed the following names: Vermicelli Creek, Rivo Ziti, Lasagna Run, Linguine Beck, Macaroni Brook, Orzo Burn and Gnocchi Branch.

Starlight. First city on Enya and planetary capital city; site of first landing on Enya; located in Xanadu Quadrant at the juncture of the Brandywine River and Impact Harbor.

Sturnina. Ninth planet of Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 38.8AU with a diameter of 30,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula of the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Tejas Range. A mountain range on Gaia that begins at the Crystal Nexus and extends northward to the Great Enyan Ocean North.

Ursula. The innermost planet of the Intipa Awachan star system orbiting at a distance of 0.4AU with a diameter of 3,000km; named after one of the virgins in the Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins myth of the Middle Ages.

Vayle of Tears. The floor of the caldera located at the Crystal Nexus; explored by Jaqui Blue, a geologist on Survey Team 40, it is filled with tear-shaped, multi-colored, lightning-induced volcanic spherules ranging in size from one to 10 centimeters in diameter.

Vermicelli Creek. A tributary of the Brandywine River in Xanadu Quadrant; one of seven such tributaries (called The Spaghetti Factory) located in the area just south of the Smokes and just west of The Avalons.

Xanadu Quadrant. The southwest quadrant of Gaia; bordered on the east by The Avalons, on the north by The Smokies and on the south and west by the Great Southwestern Ocean.